Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Mistakes and disappointments

I made the biggest mistake yesterday and now I can’t seem to get my Dad to back off.

I have a ritual every morning, I wake between 7-7:30 either to take Jordy to Child Care or because I hear him talking, we either have breakfast or I drop him off. Then around 8am I call my Dad to let him know that all is ok. I started doing this when my Mum went OS, to ease his worry as I knew that I would not be seeing for the duration of her trip, driving 30-40 minutes was just too far for me on my own.

My Mum arrived home Monday night and so I called around 10:30 yesterday for my normal check in and because I was still worked up from my last post I started crying over the phone to my Dad.

They ended up visiting yesterday afternoon and since the phone call my Dad keeps telling me that I should not work my self up or cry that it is not good for me.

I will admit that I had a rough day yesterday as the guilt I feel towards my lack of mothering towards Jordy is all in my head. It is not like I’m constantly screaming at him or neglecting him. I just want to get down on the floor and play with him like he wants me too. It is my desire and my wants that make me feel guilty, instead I need to perhaps think of things that I can do with him, read every single book that he owns. Draw pictures, let him play out side in the dirt whilst I sit and watch.

Being the negative person that I am, I feel that I should be doing more and that even though I’m pregnant with Twins it should not matter, I should be able to do it all and I know that I can’t and this makes me feel guilty. Which is really stupid and dumb as Jordy will not turn around at the age of 15 and say to me…”You never played with me when you were pregnant with the twins… you ruined my life”. (well at least I hope he won’t).

I know that these feelings of inadequacy, guilty and feeling as though I’m a bad mother are an extension of PND. I recognised them when I spoke to Tim about how I was feeling. So I had a rough day yesterday because I simply allowed the negative feelings take control, instead of thinking about other more positive ways that I can entertain Jordy when we are home alone together.

I suppose that it hasn’t helped that my BIL let me down the other week. I had tried to arrange to Ellie to come over on Friday for a visit to help keep Jordy entertained, and when I called on Thursday I was basically told that he felt that it was not a good idea to take Jordy to one of those Play centres in 40 degree heat. My BIL felt that Jordan would get too dehydrated and that it would be too much for me…which I new but why I had asked Ellie to come with me.

My BIL was also worried about me going into Labour at the Play centre, so he had decided that it was not a good idea. I don’t know a lot of people that often ask for help, as I know that I don’t usually do that, but in this instance I asked for some support of my niece in order for Jordy to be able to run around and enjoy himself. I know that I can’t climb up the big stairs to going sliding down with him, but I didn’t want to deny him the chance to have some fun.

F took the decision out of my hands and decided that it was not a good idea and that I should just stay at home. I was and possibly still am really disappointed in them, as I really needed some support. I know that I need to let this go and I hope that by writing about it will help.

I did end up explaining to Ellie how I felt, but it is not her fault as she does not drive so would rely on her father to bring her over here.

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

35 Weeks

I’ve made it to the point now that if I were to go into proper labour, I would deliver these babies in my local little private hospital, I feel so relieved!

I wrote a whole big post just before and decided to delete it because I was just beating around the bush and not really saying what I wanted to.

I’ve been talking to these babies every day but have now started coaxing them to decide to come out. Is it working? Who knows, all I know is that mentally and emotionally it is getting a lot harder to deal with this body.

I have this overwhelming feeling of guilt and I feel so very selfish. I’m not looking after Jordan or Tim, I’m only concentrating on meeting my own needs. I’m almost to the point where I’m begging my baby belly to please please just come out now.

I was home alone with Jordy yesterday and all I did was sit on my fat arse and literally put in DVD after DVD to entertain my son, as I CAN’T DO ANYTHING with him. I can’t get on the floor and play, sit down on a chair and play with cars, trains or trucks. He basically ate Toast and Teddy bear biscuits all day because I just don’t have the energy to prepare a balance meal for him.

I can see that he is craving my attention as he will come over and grab my hand and try to pull me up out of the chair. The contractions and just so hard to deal with along with a child that wants to play a little rough or wants you to crouch down and show that Cranky has yet again crashed. I hate that I’m pushing Jordy away and feel so guilty.

Every little twinge, contraction, movement, sensation that I feel has me constantly wondering…Is this is yet? I’m keeping all the pain, movements, and sensations to myself now and not telling Tim about them, because I hate it that I’ve become so obsessed with this delivery.

On Sunday there was a good 2 hours where I literally sat there feeling as though my lower back was going to break apart and I was secretly hoping that one of the babies had engaged. I decided to start sitting on towels just in case my waters break and am wearing a heavier pad.

Brought back a lot of memories, of when we were TTCing, checking the pad for any sign of AF, instead of AF I’m now checking for any sign of impending birth. It got too much for me on Sunday night and I burst into tears and just couldn’t stop crying.

Jordy came running out of the bath room to give me a hug when I stops dead in his tracks as he sees me crying. He was so concerned that his lower lip started quivering in response to my tears, his little hands were wiping my face all the while saying. “Why Mummy crying?”. How could I explain to him that I was wondering the whole day if I was going to have these babies and how disappointed I felt that every twinge was just a twinge, every contraction was FALSE fucking labour pains. Every sensation was just nothing and that I maybe feeling all these things for another 4 weeks.

So instead I just told Jordy that Mummy is a little sad and that Mummy was not angry with Jordy and that Jorday was a very good boy. I don’t think that I convinced him as he wouldn’t go to sleep, instead he was laid his head on me (which he has not done since he was a baby) and we watched ‘So you think you can dance’.

Today is our 13th Wedding Anniversary and it would be such a nice present to meet these babies today. Jordan saw me talking to my belly asking them to decided to come out and he wandered over, lifted up my tee-shirt slapped my belly and screamed “COME OUT, COME ON, LILLY-RYLIE (he says their names as one name) COME OUT”.

I have another Osteopath appointment tomorrow morning and Thursday I have an appointment with the OB (Dr K) and an ultrasound. I’m taking it day by day and in some respects hour by hour. I would never have imagined that I would be feeling this low towards the end of my pregnancy.

Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Here is the bucket....

Jordan has been ill with gastro a number of times, actually I’ve lost count but this is what you get from Child Care. We have an old ice cream container that we use to help in this instance and we call it the bucket. We ask Jordy if he is sick and “do you need the bucket”, he has now associated that bucket with vomiting.

Side bar: this hasn’t started out as a nice post but stay with me as I want to explain what happened yesterday.

As mentioned in my post yesterday I was home alone with Jordy and I was really trying not to push myself, however half an hour before Tim came home I was in a lot of pain. Not Braxton hicks or contractions but a cramp on my right side just below my belly button. I knew that it wasn’t practice or real labour as the pain was constant and did not come and go in waves.

As soon as Tim arrived home I went to lie down in bed to try to relax. With a 2 year old, firstly you don’t get any privacy nor quiet time. So Jordy came into the room and asked in Mummy was sick.

I tried to explain that I was in pain and just needed to lie down, but it was easier to say “Yes Mummy is sick”. He climbed up onto the bed and leaned over and gave me a few little kisses on the cheek and then rushed off.

The next thing I hear is Tim say “Where are you taking that?” and the reply “Mummy sick need bucket”.

My little helpful man ran off to get the vomit bucket to give to me to use as I was sick and needed the bucket, and then proceeded to show me how to use it and insisted that I give the bucket a go!

How cute is that?

I’ve been reluctant to take too much Panadol for the pain, but really needed to yesterday as it was coming up to an hour of suffering from the ligament cramp. 15 minutes after taking Panadol the cramp went away and “Mummy was all better”.