Friday, 31 January 2014

Letting go of “How”

I mentioned that I am reading “The Magic” and I know that it is already changing my life.  Before I started “The Magic” I had read and watched “The Secret”.  My husband and I are adopting the messages received from “The Secret” and I know that our lives will forever be changed. In the 2 weeks since reading and watching “The Secret” we are more positive and happy.

I am so grateful for the life that I have.

We used “The secret cheque” to nominate the amount of money we want from the universe, which is great right? Yes it should be.  My problem is that I am trying to figure out “how” we will receive the amounts that we have nominated.  So what do I do?  I by a Powerball ticket, assuming that I will win the amounts. 

Instead of simply trusting in that the universe will provide.

I know that the universe will provide because it has in the past, when trying to conceive my 2nd pregnancy, I was at a cross roads.  I was unhappy at work and I wanted to have another baby in order for me to have a break from my previous employer.

But instead of looking for a job or rushing into fertility treatment, I took the time to ensure that my body and emotions were ready for a pregnancy with the help of another kinesiologist, most importantly I released my fears and let the universe provide.  What happened?  Well I fell pregnant with twins and I received a redundancy package that supported my family for a year.  The universe really did provide for me then.

So today dear universe I release the “how”, I know that you have provided me what I needed and I trust in you to provide what I want now.
I am open to receive all that you are putting in my path.

You know what we want because it is plastered all over my bedroom.

In the short term what I want is to have $10,000.00 by the 28th February in order to catch up on our bills.  I don’t know how this will be achieved and I will not speculate because I believe that the universe will provide.

Thursday, 30 January 2014

My list of dreams

I have started reading "The Magic" and here is my list of dreams (so far):

Health and body

I am 76kg and a size 12.  I am flexible and can touch my toes.  I am able to put nail polish on my toes with ease.  My hormones are in balance and I have a regular period.  

Minimal grooming of eyebrows is the thing that is only required. I have clear skin.  I am able to kneel down without pain. 

I am energised, light and have a bounce in my step.

Perfect eyesight
Perfect digestion
Perfect weight

Career and work

Here is my dream job description:
·         Senior Business Systems Analyst ( I truly love what I do)
·         Wage = $250,000.00 per annul
·         Working Full Time (flexible hours)
o   2 days at home
o   3 days in the office
·         I travel nationally and internationally for work once per quarter.


We have $3,000,000.00

The money is distributed between Investment properties, investment shares, term deposit and cash.

I am surrounded by love.  The relationships in my life are nurturing.  The people that are in my life want to be with me.

Personal Desires

We own are new house which is 29-30 Lansell Close Narre Warren South Vic 3805

We have 5 investment properties.  One for each member of the family.  60 The Boulevard in one of them.
We have a holiday house.

Material Things

I drive a new car, the Nissan x-trail.

We own a boat. 

Wednesday, 29 January 2014


The only reason any person does not have enough money is because they are blocking money from coming to them with their thoughts. Every negative thought, feeling or emotion is blocking your good from coming to you, and that includes money. It is not that the money is being kept from you by the Universe, because all the money you require exists right now in the invisible. If you do not have enough, it is because you are stopping the flow of money coming to you, and you are doing that with your thoughts. You must tip the balance of your thoughts from lack-of-money to more-than-enough-money. Think more thoughts of abundance than of lack, and you have tipped the balance. 

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Frank Antal

You were more than my brother in law.  You were my brother. 

Rest in Peace Frank, you are now with Ildi my sister.

16/06/1958 to 9/01/2014