I mentioned that I am reading “The Magic” and I know that it is already changing my life. Before I started “The Magic” I had read and watched “The Secret”. My husband and I are adopting the messages received from “The Secret” and I know that our lives will forever be changed. In the 2 weeks since reading and watching “The Secret” we are more positive and happy.
I am so grateful for the life that I have.
We used “The secret cheque” to nominate the amount of money we want from the universe, which is great right? Yes it should be. My problem is that I am trying to figure out “how” we will receive the amounts that we have nominated. So what do I do? I by a Powerball ticket, assuming that I will win the amounts.
Instead of simply trusting in that the universe will provide.
I know that the universe will provide because it has in the past, when trying to conceive my 2nd pregnancy, I was at a cross roads. I was unhappy at work and I wanted to have another baby in order for me to have a break from my previous employer.
But instead of looking for a job or rushing into fertility treatment, I took the time to ensure that my body and emotions were ready for a pregnancy with the help of another kinesiologist, most importantly I released my fears and let the universe provide. What happened? Well I fell pregnant with twins and I received a redundancy package that supported my family for a year. The universe really did provide for me then.
So today dear universe I release the “how”, I know that you have provided me what I needed and I trust in you to provide what I want now.
I am open to receive all that you are putting in my path.
You know what we want because it is plastered all over my bedroom.
In the short term what I want is to have $10,000.00 by the 28th February in order to catch up on our bills. I don’t know how this will be achieved and I will not speculate because I believe that the universe will provide.