id•i•o•syn•cra•sy - a structural or behavioral characteristic peculiar to an individual or group. Write down 5 of your own idiosyncrasies, then if you wish, tag 5 people.
1) I always have to wash my hands before I get into bed. If I forget I will not be able to sleep until I do. Weird huh?
2) To fall asleep I perform a series of turns, I start on my back, then turn onto my left side, then on my right, then on my stomach to finally fall asleep on my righ side. If that all fails then I get up and go to the spare bedroom where I repeat the above mentioned exercise.
3) I have to have the window open when I'm asleep, no matter what time of the year or the temperature. Our bedroom needs to be cold, even now we are heating the house yet our bedroom door is closed with the window open.
4) I will not leave the house if my clothes or Mimi's clothes are not ironed properly. I even iron every morning. If Ellie and Tina are stay here they are not let out of the house with wrinkled clothing.
5) I don't know what my 5th one is, could an idiosyncrasy be that I must check certain blogs when I log onto the internet, even if it is for 5 minutes?
A while ago I mentioned to Bugsy the Christmas present I was making for Tina. A cross stitch that I bought back in March. Here is the photo of what it will look like once finished.
And here is what I've done to date
It was started in March but I did have a break for about a month and a half when I took up some knitting. This picture involves not only cotton stitches but metalic threads and beads. I'm up to the back stitiching and beading at the moment, I'm aiming to have this one finished by the end of August so that I can start Ellies Christmas presnet. Photo here:
They will both be framed by Mimi, Bugs I finally got around to showing you where I'm up to.
Well Done!! I started a Midsummer Nights Fairy abut 3 years ago and have only finished her skirt - every time I look at it the sheer size just puts me off!! Yours looks great and I´m impressed that you´re finishing it!