Tuesday, 29 July 2008

There are two!

I'm having twins, yes twins. When I say those words my heart still leaps.

Last Monday when I had the 7 week ultrasound we saw both our babies. To say we were shocked in an understatement, to say we are overwhelmed is putting things mildly.

All in all I feel blessed with the gift of these babies.

My first OB appointment is today, so I will try to update more this afternoon.
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  1. Wow! That's brilliant news. Hope it all goes smoothly for you.

  2. OMG OMG that is amazing! Brilliant and breathtaking. What a lovely picture too - Hi Little bubbas!

    Congratulations! What a blessing! Are you still in shock?

  3. whaaaa???????
    OMG OMG... fantastic!!!

    Holy Crap!
    I hope you're feeling well.
