Wednesday, 26 November 2008

The appointment

I had the appointment with the psychiatrist the other week and it left me wanting. I felt as though I was given the brush off, “your doing just fine”, “your already doing the things that I would suggest to you” and “if you need to speak to people use your support network and see your GP”.

On one hand I’m glad that I got the reassurance that the preparation that I’ve started to do is “the right thing”. But on the other, I still have a lot of anxiety about these babies being healthy and able to come home with me.

I’m currently booked into the same hospital as I was with Jordy, the hospital is about 5 minutes away and has a country hospital feel about it, you know welcoming, caring and professional. It is a private hospital and I’m looking forward to having the babies there. My concern is that because it is a small-ish hospital the level of nursery care is low.

They have a level 1 Nursery – which entails basic life support for neonates. My OB also delivers at another hospital (where I had my gall bladder removed) this one is about 30 minutes away and has a Level 3 Nursery.

A level 3 nursery is also known as a Special care nursery; Where they Manage babies born >32 weeks gestation with minimal complications and small babies growing up. Facilities include humidicribs, cardiorespiratory monitoring, IV fluid therapy, tube feeds and phototherapy.

The closest NICU is about 45 minutes away and my OB does not deliver there, so it would mean a new Dr, and I’m not even sure that I would be able to see one that is recommended.

So the big question I’m facing is: Should I stay at this hospital or move “just in case” there is a problem? Then I think, perhaps I’m making a big deal about this.

The psychiatrist could see that I needed to have a plan in place, but here I’m trying to plan for something that is totally out of my hands. My gut feeling is telling me to stay at my current hospital and if the babies are really that unwell then they will be moved and cared for. My private health insurance cover all the care that they may possibly need.

A great friend also suggested that I ask my OB for his opinion. Knowing how this pregnancy is progressing, what would he recommend?

I admit that I’m not coping very well this week, Jordy has not been himself and the past 2 days he has woken from his afternoon nap with a 39.5 degree temperature. I’ve been to the Dr twice but there is nothing wrong with him.

This whole situation has got me so anxious, I’m literally chasing him around the house with the thermometer. I have to wonder “am I making myself feel this way for attention”, or “am I just a drama queen”.

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