I will not be talking about leaving in this same sense as detailed here but I have been thinking a lot about the differences between “Need” and “Want”.
I have been working with this Client for the past 16 months and whilst I still love the work that I am doing, I am feeling a little under appreciated. I have been struggling with this whole placement for a little while because I would like to make in impact, add some value to this Client and I really do not think that I have been given an opportunity to realise my aspirations.
Recently I was asked to help out my old team and this was not the first time that I have been asked to go in a clean-up others messes. This time though I was feeling very disillusioned because I had the feeling that my old team “needed” me but they did not necessarily “want” me. This thought has kept me up at night, mainly because I don’t know how I feel about this realisation.
I went onto thinking about “needing” and “wanting” people in my life.
Need – When you Google need you can find all sorts of definitions on the word. For the purposes of this post I found this one close to what my take on it is: “A physiological or psychological requirement for the well-being of an organism”
Want – The definition for the word “want” is simpler “to wish, crave, demand, or desire “
I also then asked some of my friends whether they “needed” our friendship or they “wanted” it. For me either answer would’ve been good and it was not a test, I was just asking to hear about their views.
Most of the people in my life, I both need and want them. I have the psychological requirement to have them in my life and I also desire and crave the time I can spend with each person that is important to me.
A very dear friend of mine replied the following to me: “Both "need" and "want" are words that can come with the hidden feelings of demand and I believe that by having a true friendship it should have no demands. In a real true friendship there is either need nor want only purity”
How beautiful is that?
I loved it and I promised my friend that I would not mention them by name here. But I absolutely loved this…there should never been need or want only purity!