Monday, 9 April 2012

A new chapter

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Easter is my favourite holiday; my memories of Easter have always been positive and happy. I love the Hungarian traditions leading up and during the Easter period.  I hope that my husband and I can continue teaching our kids these traditions.

When you Google one of the definitions for the meaning of Easter is linked to the Catholic / Christian belief of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. If you look at the significance of the Easter egg it is again linked with the Catholic belief of Jesus rising from the grave.

This post didn’t start out to be of a religious nature, I am just letting the words flow out of me.

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I have decided that yesterday marked a new chapter.  I am determined, possibly out of anger not sure, but I am determined. I am not going to allow myself to be treated poorly. Actually I will not treat myself poorly anymore. 

As even though I thought I took back the power of my heart, it seems as though I still seek validation from others.  I constantly give the power of my self-esteem to others and no one has the right to have a say in how I should feel.

I struggle with this daily and if my last few posts are any indication I have allowed others to dictate how I should be feeling.  After years and the last number of months trying to uncover the real me, finally know my worth.

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What is different this time?

A lot! The Mari that you will see on the streets of Melbourne will not take any crap from anyone.  Even the people that read this blog and know me in real life will see a difference. So either take this as a warning or take this as a celebration.  I know my worth!  You hear me??? I know my worth!

I am tired, just plain tired I want no more arguments in my life.  I am tired of feeling like crap all the time. I am tired of the doubts; I am tired of the second guessing.  I am tired of the negativity.

Just so tired!

Where I feel that I am being wronged in anyway, or I feel that my worthiness is not being respected, I will remove myself from the situation, with no comment as I have no need to justify myself to anyone.  That may seem harsh but no one will look out for me, I cannot count on anyone.  I can only ever count on myself. Even my friends I cannot always assume that my friends will always be there for me and that they will treat me with the respect that I deserve.

I cherish all the people in my life, they bring me so much happiness and complete my life, I would not be the person I am today without these people. However if I feel in any way that my true value is not being appreciated or accepted, that friendship in my eyes and heart will over because in this new chapter in my life, I will not stand for anything else.

I will always preserve the real me and I will not jeopardise my true self.

I know my worth, I know my worth, I KNOW MY WORTH!

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