Saturday, 23 February 2013

Check In

It is time to check in with my goals:

1.    Financial stability

I had set out a number of short term things with my list and I can say that I have reduced the amount of Take Away we eat and I have reduced our grocery bill.

Already next week I have plans to take lunch into work on Monday.

So it is a start and I am surprised that I have actually achieved some things!!

2.    To nurture the friendships I have in order to ensure that they are life long

Again I have started to work on shifting this around for me.

I caught up with Lj last week, it was a short visit to her house but it was good and it was me that initiated the contact.

My kinesiologist suggests that I utilise my calendar on my phone to remind myself to call friends or book in time.  This is one thing that I will try to work on in this month.

3.    To remove the remaining doubts I have with regards to worthiness of friendships

The universe helped with this Goal.  Ambarish has gone home, and with him leaving it has removed the “arguments”.

“Always be true to myself”.  I am not sure if this is something that I am doing but I have culled a lot of friendships from Facebook.  A lot of people that never comment and never “like” the photos and links I share, yet they know all about what I post.  Seemed weird to me and I have decided to separate work from home.  There are only a very select few that I work with that I will keep as friends on Facebook.  But most of my work colleagues will be added to LinkedIn.

 I have “unfriended” Ambarish also, not to hurt him.  I want to understand what our friendship will be like now that he is back in India, until I believe that it will be as strong and as cherished as before then it is best that I keep things professional. At this stage I still have a lot of doubts that I am important to him, that is the hurdle I am trying to work through. It is a simple thing that I need help with from Ambar, perhaps it is simple to me but not so with him. I am working though on this doubt. 

I am not testing him; actually he has sent me a few emails.  But I don’t want to know about his life on Facebook, I want to know about his life before he posts anything, like he did before.

4.  To respect myself

Well this has not really moved and I have not done much on this front.  I have thought a lot about working from home once a week and am really determined to push this, for myself and for Jordy.

The last time I booked in me time, it was a disaster; my husband would not allow me to go into the CBD to take photos with my camera by myself.  I suggested that I go with Ambar as he had a similar camera to mine.  DISASTER struck and it was cancelled, arguments arguments and more arguments.  Daniela my kiensiologist will not be happy that yet again my “me” time fell through, I have lost count as to how many times that this has occurred.

5.    To be healthy and happy with my weight

I have started reading “Freedom from PCOS: 3 Proven Steps to Naturally Overcome Poly-cystic Ovarian Syndrome and Insulin Resistance” and whilst I haven’t finished it yet, the author has already lost me.  I am a full time working woman with three children, I will not be able to do the amount of exercise that she is recommending for people like me to “reverse” my PCOS.

I will persevere with the book as I am very interested in reading about the food back of the steps she has mentioned.

I did however recently acquired the Water Aerobics class schedules from two of the swimming pools near me.  I loved water aerobics before I had Jordy, I loved how I was able to work myself into a sweat and still not have the impact to my joints.  It is a gentler form of exercise but it is much better than what I am doing now; which is nothing!

I know that once I make the first step into water aerobics then I will have really started my journey to becoming happy and healthy about my weight.

OH I almost forgot and this is big.  I used to drink a large amount of Coke then dropped to two cans per day instead of two 600ml bottles.  I have now dropped to one can every two days. We don’t have any in the house and we will not be buying it.  I only had the cans at my mothers with dinner on Thursday and then today during lunch.

But what is really big is that I have started drinking more water and have a water buddy at work.  She too is attempting to drink more water and without the coke at lunch I am easily able to drink 2 litters a day.  The test is when I am at home, but I am determined to keep this up.

This is all linked, when I start taking lunch into work then I will have the money for the water aerobics class, I want to reduce the amount of spending as per my first goal. So when I take lunch in, I am working on goal 1. It means I can go to water aerobics which means I am working on goals 4 and 5.

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