Monday, 1 April 2013

Religious or Spiritual?

Ever since our glorious weekend away early in March, my poor husband has been spending a lot of time sleeping either on the couch or in the study on the fold out bed.  Why?

I am snoring, really badly.  I don’t hear it and I don’t even know I am doing it but apparently it is very bad.  Last week I saw my Kinesiologist who found that my snoring is linked to my spirit.  It came up that I was confused, the best way for me to work out things is to of course write.

So why am I confused now?  I think that it is because I finally finished reading “Soul Contracts” where the author quoted a lot of scripture from the Bible.  So it made me question.

I was raised as a Catholic, went through all the Catholic rituals Baptism, Holy Communion, Confirmation and Marriage all in a catholic church.  My family and I did not attend church every Sunday, we just didn’t.  My children will also go through the Catholic rituals, why? Well because I believe that they are important.

Do I consider myself a Catholic now?  No I don’t.  I believe in re-incarnation and past lives – Catholics don’t.  I believe in Karma – Catholics believe in an eye for an eye. I do believe in Jesus and Mary and I believe in God (or the universe).  I believe in Mother Nature.

I do not agree that God is unforgiving and would send someone to hell, as Catholics are lead to believe. 

I consider myself more spiritual than religious.  I am open to other religions and love hearing about the stories, I read a book a very long time ago that had evidence that all Angels in ALL religions are the same. 

Not sure why I am really confused because I have been pretty clear with myself.  I know that God will not forsake me simply because I don’t go to church every Sunday. Most time after my appointments with the kinesologist I do go to the church across the road is it a beautiful old church and when I walk in I always feel a sense of peace.

Whenever I am back in Hungary, I always make it an effort to go to church with my Aunty.  This is my familial church, where my Grandmother was baptised, where my grandparent were married.  Where my father was baptised and where my parents were married. 

My Aunty attends every Sunday, when my cousin became a Doctor my Aunty moved from the “family pew” to the front row.  As a show of “prestige”, her son lives on the same property as my Aunty and has ever since he has been married.  My Aunty is not a nice person to her Daughter in law, yet because she goes to Church every Sunday, she would be considered as a “Good Catholic woman”.  I am not saying that I am better than my Aunty, what I am trying to say is that she is no better than me just because she goes to church.

I try to live my life where I follow my own rules in life “Treat others how you would want to be treated”. Ambarish told me a long time ago that this was wrong, this base rule of my life was simply incorrect as it meant that I had expectations. I allowed his belief to cloud mine.  I allowed his opinion to override mine.  It is was something that I had lived with for over 20 years.  I always treat people how I would want to be treated.  It did not mean I expectations, it meant I was considerate of others and how I treated them, if they did not treat me the same way I would not hold it against them and I would continue to treat them kindly and with love.

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