Thursday, 17 April 2014


I am overwhelmed with the response to my previous blog post. For me it was a natural thing to do, write about what I had learnt and heal as I do it. This is what my blogs are about; yes I have more than one.

I started my first blog after I found out that I had a common medical condition PCOS (poly-cyctic ovarian syndrome) as a means to tell the world about my struggle with falling pregnant.  At the time I was appalled that I had never heard about this condition before and it was common!

I am grateful for my struggle with infertility because it was something I had to go through in order to have my wonderful family. All my 3 kids were conceived with fertility treatments along with kinesiology healings.

Over the years that blog morphed into a celebration of my pregnancy with Jordan, my experiences of being a new Mum, my struggle with Post Natal Depression, my joy at conceiving Twins and then finally my spiritual journey.  It was only recently that I split the two blogs one relating to family and the other relating to my journey.

I keep the blog posts as a reminder of what I go through, because once the words are out of me, written and posted then it is all forgotten. I’ve had these blogs for 10 years it is my way of healing and I love to write.

Only recently in a kinesiology session with Daniela, I blurted out “I would love to be an Author, I can see myself writing and publishing books as my living”.

Right now as I am tying that post the vision I had that day is still exactly the same and just as strong.  The beauty about working with Daniela was that she got my idea in an instant and was able to tap into something I had not even realised, as her calm reply was "Isn't it interesting that you are already living your dream of a writer without knowing it".


Yes that is right I already write for a living.  This is why I love being a Business Analyst, but I didn’t even know why I loved my job.  It was because every day I have the opportunity to peruse something that I love to do…write.  At the moment I may write requirements specifications, and project briefs, but this is a form of writing.  I also didn’t realise that I am already a published writer; you are reading my published works on the internet.  I have written and published my own blog for 10 years now. 

I already have an outline for a young adult fantasy trilogy that I considered as my hobby. I also have an inspired self-help book outlined that is itching to get out of me.

I am grateful for all the comments and personal message I received from my previous post because it just reiterates that my dream of being an author of a book is something I can and will achieve.

The difference between the past 10 years and now…is that this time I choose to share my previous post on Facebook and not just blogger.  Was that brave? I don’t even think that it matters, if I was brave or courageous, to me it just felt right that it was time that I share my work with the people I know on Facebook.

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