Friday, 16 September 2005

Annoying things

***Be warned a lot of swearing***

I’m not the type of person that deals well with confrontation, I would rather avoid any type of confrontation at all costs, however this characteristic has a major flaw I don’t tell people how I feel about things that are said of situations that occur. What a perfect place though to vent other than on my blog, where these people will not know what I say.

Dear Sister
One the main regrets that I have throughout this whole TTC thing is telling you in the first place. I told you as I thought that as you had been there to conceive Ellie you could offer some support or advice. But instead you ask me every fucken time we talk if I’ve got my period.

We Sis I had my period weeks ago and I didn’t tell you, as I don’t want you to know that I’m cycling. No one knows (other than my cyber buddies), not even Anyu. Why because you put way too much pressure on wanting to know each and every gory detail.

You are so tight lipped about everything in your life that now you are going to get your medicine back. I wish that you would just back off and leave me alone, when (you will notice I didn’t say if) I fall pregnant then you will know, but until then BACK THE FUCK OFF.

Dear workmate
I don’t FUCKEN care if you are the encyclopaedia of knowledge of our companies business. No one and I mean no one asked for you opinion. AND….AND..AND we have told you many many times that your work priority is completing the Physical Design, not looking for more errors. That is the Business’ job NOT YOURS.

I don’t want to hear anymore on defects / errors that you are looking at that are NOT assigned to you. YOU HAVE OTHER FUCKING WORK….go and do it. You spend way too much time of the phone, you but into every single conversation even others telephone calls. They are none of your Business!!!

I’m not hear to argue with you I’M THE LEAD FUCKING BUSINESS ANALSYT, you are meant to be doing what I ask you do to. Pull your weight and support your other team members, cause the way you are acting now you’re only trying to blow your trumpet with how good you are, but know one here gives a FUCK. We are all busy doing our work.


  1. You let it out hun. Everything you have said here is 100% valid. In fact, I think you could have kept going. We are here for you hun.
