I love my family
I love that my MIL and I are getting close again
I love my house, everything about it
I love my book collection
I love my DVD collection (at times I think that it is the only thing that keeps me sane)
I love the Internet
I love all our PC’s
I love technology it gives me the ability to keep in contact with relatives overseas
I love all the my cyber buddies that I’ve met on EB and the blogworld.
I love my pets
I LOVE my car
I love writing, whether it be letters, documents or blog entries, I express myself so much better on paper than I could ever in speech.
I love dancing, all types I still wish that I did Hungarian dancing, I miss it so.
I love that the one thing I inherited from my mother was her compassion and ability to walk in others shoes, (however on the flip side, I hate that I get hurt so much by people walking all over me).
I love my innocence and am proud that I know nothing about some of the horrors in the world, like crime and drugs …etc
I love my Hungarian heritage, I’m proud to tell anyone that I’m Hungarian, I may have been born here but my roots are there.
I love that I’m creative, painting, knitting and cross-stitching are things that I love to do.
This is a hard one, but I am grateful for this TTC journey, hard as it is, I’ve learnt so much about myself, my needs and it has brought Tim and I closer together. I would not have needed to reach out on the Internet to others and met so many lovely people. I would not have been given a chance to start my chest of dreams. I love that I’ve already bought so much for my Bobim. The saying “double edge sword comes to mind”.
A long time ago I went to a counsellor during a really rough time in my life where she helped me concentrate on those things in my life that are positive, after yesterdays post about all the things that I hate, I was very determined to write this post about the things that I love. By writing down all this it makes me grateful that my life is filled with so much good, even during this hard journey of TTC, I still have things to be grateful for. What a good start to a day huh?
PS: Nico – I will be receiving my blood test results today sometime and will post the results ASAP.
I think it's great that you can keep the things you love in mind. It's so easy to focus on the negatives and take the good stuff for granted.